Using Pinterest to Increase Customer Engagement

When it comes to social media marketing you’re probably already using Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and maybe LinkedIn. But what about Pinterest? It's a platform that is often overlooked but has been used by some in media marketing for years. You may believe your audience is not on Pinterest or that you simply don’t have time for another social platform. However, if used properly Pinterest can quickly reach a wide audience and generate real leads. Unlike other social platforms an old post can still be seen over and over. A tweet will be history within a couple hours, but with Pinterests smart feed by using keywords your pins will continually appear in related categories. 

If you still think you don’t have time to create yet another social page, there is a Google Chrome extension for that! With just a few clicks you can create a pin based upon your already curated product listings. The image, title, description, and link back to your website will preload into a new pin. Maybe add a few more juicy keywords and just like that you can be a part of one of the fastest growing websites in history. 

Users on Pinterest will convert into leads and sales more than any other media marketing platform. Pinterest is one giant visual search engine, and people often turn there during the research phase of projects or to find inspiration. Excellent visuals are the absolute key to making it on this platform. Rankings are based first upon popularity, secondly on keywords. If you already have a strong marketing strategy, chances are you have stellar product shots – great. If you don’t, Pinterest certainly is not the only reason for pausing and getting to that first! 

Secondly, the keywords. User engagement is outstanding on Pinterest, and each pin will have a link easily leading the user to your products. Keywords are the second greatest tool to get your images in front of potential leads. If your website or product listing is already filled with your relevant keywords that populate into the pin – no problem here. If your link doesn’t have as much verbiage, then be sure to take some extra time to add some in.  

Lastly, if you really want to sink your marketing into Pinterest, post any of your other marketing content as well. Make sure your visuals are appealing, use strong keywords and link back to any of your other digital materials such as blogs, videos, or services. Remember Pinterest is one of the fastest growing platforms where content has a much longer digital life. If it’s done right Pinterest can be an extremely engaging marketing tool for your brand.

That was our way to make a strong start on Pinterest. If you are further convinced of its advantages take a look at our page for inspiration of your own brands pins and boards.